Mastering communication systems in business

In the fast-paced world of speech pathology, constant interruptions and the need to put out fires can leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained. This can lead to burnout. To maintain your own well-being and avoid burnout, it’s essential to establish effective communication systems. Here I share my top tips for mastering communication systems in business. In this blog, we will explore the strategies and tools you can use to streamline communication, reduce interruptions, and create a more productive work environment.

Schedule Regular 1:1 Meetings

To establish effective team communication, schedule regular one-on-one meetings with team members. This dedicated time encourages open discussion of progress, concerns, and feedback, reducing interruptions

Implement “By When” in Emails

Combat email interruptions by instructing your team to use the ‘by when’ technique. Have them set clear response deadlines, enhancing task prioritization and reducing constant back-and-forth exchanges.

Utilize a Communication Platform

Using platforms like Slack streamlines communication and collaboration. Create specific channels for topics or projects, allowing the right team members to address inquiries. This fosters teamwork and knowledge-sharing while lightening your load

Empower Your Team

Empower your team by promoting a problem-solving mindset. Encourage independent thinking with questions like, ‘What’s your solution?’ or ‘Can you find the relevant policy?’ This builds trust, reduces interruptions, and fosters growth

Assign Specific Business Task Days

Structure your communication by assigning specific days for tasks, like equipment requests on Wednesdays. This minimizes interruptions and enhances organization and efficiency in your speech pathology practice. These strategies promote a more productive and successful business while preventing burnout and empowering your team.

Remember that clear and structured communication is the key to both personal and professional development.

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written by Julie Sexton, CEO, Senior Speech Pathologist

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