Prep Easy Group Therapy

What is Prep Easy Group Therapy? Our Prep Easy program is suitable for Prep students who struggle with reading and spelling. This group targets skills that are required to learn to read and spell in Prep. Our Prep Easy includes activities that help build the following skills: oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, and vocabulary. This blog […]
Understanding Speech Pathology assessments

At TalkHQ, we know that getting a clear picture of your child’s communication strengths and challenges is crucial. That’s why our speech therapy aseeessments are designed to give you the insights you need to support your child’s development. Why Are Assessments Important? Speech therapy assessments for children help us understand what kind of help your […]
Vocabulary in literacy

When your child’s teacher or speech pathologist is talking about ‘vocabulary’ they are simply referring to the words that your child knows or uses. It is interesting to know that vocabulary growth is closely linked to a child’s overall school achievement. The size of your child’s vocabulary in kindergarten is a strong predictor of their […]