Early Communication Skills

Ever wondered how babies learn to talk and when they should start talking? Children learn to speak by being spoken to. Through play, children are able to learn about themselves and the world around them which is fundamental in developing communication and social skills. Regular play is a simple and easy way to support the […]

It is becoming a common occurrence these days to see young children ‘interacting’ more with a screen and less with their family when out for a meal. Although research into the effects that screen time has on oral language development and later schooling success is still in its infancy, we do know that the more […]
Top Tips for Building Words within the Home

Top Tips for building vocabulary at home Notice new words when you’re reading or listening. Talk about the importance of a large vocabulary and make an effort to learn new words. Talk about what to do when discovering unknown words. Don’t just skip them! Try using context clues or other resources to find the meaning, […]