How much does speech pathology cost?

Many parents want to know how much does speech pathology cost? Private speech pathology is an investment in time and money. Be fully informed of all the costs before committing to therapy. What is covered in the consultation fee Speech pathology is a science. Firstly, speech pathologists spend time researching different therapy approaches for each child […]
How do kids learn to read?

How Do Kids Learn to Read? Learning to read is like weaving a rope with multiple threads, each representing a crucial skill. This concept is beautifully illustrated by the Scarborough Reading Rope, which shows that reading is not a single skill but a combination of several interwoven components. Understanding this can help you better support your […]
Help your child read by AVOIDING these mistakes

Mistake 1: Get them to look at the picture to help them read the words Being told to “Look at the picture and guess the word” does NOT help your child to read (that is, decode the words). Think about it, what will happen once the child progresses to books that don’t have pictures? This […]
How long does it take to fix my child’s speech?

Parents often ask, how long does it take to fix my child’s speech? Truth is, there is no easy answer. This is because the dosage and frequency of therapy can differ depending on your child’s speech condition. Therapy Dosage When thinking about dosage, we often think of antibiotics. For example, when the doctor says, “Take […]
How to help your child to talk using a doll house

Below are 4 key areas that you can help your child to talk. Let’s face it. There is a national shortage of speech pathologists. This means waiting lists for services are often more than 6 months. Parents want to know how they can help their child to talk while waiting for services. Here are some […]
Vocabulary in literacy

When your child’s teacher or speech pathologist is talking about ‘vocabulary’ they are simply referring to the words that your child knows or uses. It is interesting to know that vocabulary growth is closely linked to a child’s overall school achievement. The size of your child’s vocabulary in kindergarten is a strong predictor of their […]
Speech sound development

Do you have a child due to start Prep next year? Are you concerned about their speech? If so, you are not alone. An Australian study showed that 25% of parents of kindergarten-aged children reported that they were concerned about their own child’s speech development. Despite this, 60% of these parents reported that they would […]
Learning to Talk

Most bubs say their first words at around 12 months, usually the names of people or things they know well. After lots of one to one interaction and practicing of sounds and mouth movements, your baby has learned to use the right sounds to tell you something. What an exciting milestone! It is typical for […]
Transition to Highschool

The transition from primary to secondary school is in the limelight with the change that Queensland schools will undergo in 2015 with both Year 6 and 7 students commencing high school. A large percentage of students move into their new schools and thrive on the challenges that secondary school offers, such as a range of […]
Early Communication Skills

Ever wondered how babies learn to talk and when they should start talking? Children learn to speak by being spoken to. Through play, children are able to learn about themselves and the world around them which is fundamental in developing communication and social skills. Regular play is a simple and easy way to support the […]